söndag 24 juni 2007

Flying and Running

Isak's cousin Sara had to work hard today; Isak didn't let her rest for long until she was asked, sorry told, to give him another ride.

All this while Meja took it easy in the shade.

Isak looks almost as proud as his pappa after his two kilometer run to Kullabackarna (Kulla hills) and back. And, of course, you need the proper clothing when going for a run.

2 kommentarer:

Starr sa...

Wow! Isak you are a very fast runner! Did you beat your papa?

It looks like your weather is better than it was yesterday. Enjoy!

Asp sa...

Ser ut som vår midsommar i Huskvarna. Också imponerad av Isak. Han kan nog skippa knatteknatet och gå direkt på H10.