söndag 7 december 2008
tisdag 25 november 2008
torsdag 13 november 2008
söndag 2 november 2008
Nu ar det ett tag sedan bloggen uppdaterades och vi ska forsoka oka takten litegranna. Vi borjar med nagra bilder fran den senaste stora handelsen - Halloween. Det var en fin kvall for 'trick or treat' eller 'bus eller godis' med over femton grader (det hade varit 20 grader tidigare pa dagen). Av nagon anledning var det ganska tomt med barn pa var gata, men det betydde att folk var desto gladare nar nagon kom. Det ar ju dessutom inte varje dag som ett skelett och ett lejon kommer och knackar pa.

måndag 11 augusti 2008
Helena & Stefan
tisdag 5 augusti 2008
Final Week
We have now only one week left of our trip to Sweden. We left Öland Friday and drove to Landsbro (and we just realized that the Stanley Cup - yes that Stanley Cup - was in the village just a few hours before we got there), but only for one night stop over, because we were en route to Gothenburg for the weekend to visit some friends. We are now back in Landsbro.

The girls at the local beach (from last week).

Baking time.
The girls at the local beach (from last week).
Baking time.
torsdag 31 juli 2008
Leaving Öland
onsdag 30 juli 2008
Lia and Farmor
O-Ringen is the world's largest orienteering event. 22000 people spent five days running up and down the Swedish mountains in beautiful summer weather.

Adria was happy after successfully completing the first stage.

Sara, Isak and Adria. Our cottage was located just below the tree line. The day this picture was taken, we were lucky to find a few cloudberries.

Isak in full speed at the knatte knat (a fun course for the youngest).
Adria was happy after successfully completing the first stage.
Sara, Isak and Adria. Our cottage was located just below the tree line. The day this picture was taken, we were lucky to find a few cloudberries.
Isak in full speed at the knatte knat (a fun course for the youngest).
måndag 28 juli 2008
Sleeping in a Train
We are now back at the cottage again after a road trip to the Swedish mountains where we did five days of orienteering races together with 22000 other orienteers. The drive from the cottage to the mountains is long so we stopped about half way in a small town called Nora where they have a hostel in a few old trains. A boy whose name begins with an I liked it very much...

torsdag 17 juli 2008
The Troll Forest
The Troll Forest is a conservation area on the northern tip of Öland. Here we could see 900 year old oak trees, and other trees that are bent by the wind and look like "trolls" and other dark creatures. Many of the trees are 100-200 years old but have not grown espcially tall because of the salt and poor soil nutrition. We also saw a ship wreck.

Isak the Troll
We are going to the Swedish mountains today to do some orienteering races. The blog will probably not be updated for a week or so.
Isak the Troll
We are going to the Swedish mountains today to do some orienteering races. The blog will probably not be updated for a week or so.
onsdag 16 juli 2008
fredag 11 juli 2008
A day at the beach
onsdag 9 juli 2008
A day at a park
tisdag 8 juli 2008
Knisa Bog
After a nice day yesterday with blue skies, the clouds returned and the temperature dropped a few degrees. Today we decided to go for a hike in the morning. Knisa Bog (Knissa mosse in Swedish) is a swamp/lake are just a few kilometers from the cottage and (the following is cut and paste from the Internet) it is a one of Öland’s few untouched wetlands since this type of nature was heavily reduced in the 19th century due to the irrigation systems. Parts of the bog became a nature reserve already in the 1930th and today it’s included in Natura 2000, a list of places that are of national interest for preservation and outdoor life. Knisa Mosse consists of 370 acres where over 50 different birds are nesting.
We did see a few birds, but we are still trying to find out what kind of birds.

We did see a few birds, but we are still trying to find out what kind of birds.
måndag 7 juli 2008
Just a few days after we arrived in Sweden, we packed our bags again and took off. The destination this time was Portugal. We spent 10 days in this beautiful and very nice country and we can definitely recommend a trip to this corner of Europe. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and we looked around that city for two days before we went south to the cost of Algarve where we met up with the Asp family (Anders, Erika, Elsa and Agnes).
Algarve is busy with tourists, but there is a reason for it:
- the weather is very nice (it can be too hot sometimes, but we were lucky. Most days the mercury didn't get above 32-33C and with a cool breeze. We explored different beaches everyday and they were all spectacular.
The water was, however, not super child friendly, since the waves were pretty strong and it got deep pretty quickly. Some adults complained about the temperature, and it wasn't 25-27C like in Croatia, but this is the Atlantic and you can't expect more. The kids prefered the pool. Yes, we did have a pool and after a morning at the beach, we hung out around the pool.
We are now back at the cottage in Sweden, and since it takes a long time to upload pictures, we will start with just a few today and post more later on.

View over Lisbon, which is built on several hills. Just like most other south European cities, it had small alleys, many plazas, crazy drivers, history and beautiful buildings. We liked the city.

A 11th century Moorish castle in Sintra, west of Lisbon. Isak loved this place and probably walked 6-7km in total this day. All up or down.

Not just brains...

A tyical beach on the coast of Algarve.
Algarve is busy with tourists, but there is a reason for it:
- the weather is very nice (it can be too hot sometimes, but we were lucky. Most days the mercury didn't get above 32-33C and with a cool breeze. We explored different beaches everyday and they were all spectacular.
The water was, however, not super child friendly, since the waves were pretty strong and it got deep pretty quickly. Some adults complained about the temperature, and it wasn't 25-27C like in Croatia, but this is the Atlantic and you can't expect more. The kids prefered the pool. Yes, we did have a pool and after a morning at the beach, we hung out around the pool.
We are now back at the cottage in Sweden, and since it takes a long time to upload pictures, we will start with just a few today and post more later on.
View over Lisbon, which is built on several hills. Just like most other south European cities, it had small alleys, many plazas, crazy drivers, history and beautiful buildings. We liked the city.
A 11th century Moorish castle in Sintra, west of Lisbon. Isak loved this place and probably walked 6-7km in total this day. All up or down.
Not just brains...
A tyical beach on the coast of Algarve.
lördag 21 juni 2008
Back in Sweden for the summer
Hi everyone
The flight over was ok. Isak managed to get some sleep, not so much for the rest of us. Isak is already on Swedish time and eventually Lia will get there. However, the last few nights she has been playing and chatting until the wee hours.

Big brother wanting to go down the slide with Lia.

Isak is showing off his new bike from farmor.

Lia and Adria having a great time at Bengt's cottage celebrating midsummer. We enjoyed some games, a delicious meal and a great view of the lake. The water is still a bit too cold for a dip.

Lia is snuggling with faster Anna after she woke up from a nap.
The flight over was ok. Isak managed to get some sleep, not so much for the rest of us. Isak is already on Swedish time and eventually Lia will get there. However, the last few nights she has been playing and chatting until the wee hours.
Big brother wanting to go down the slide with Lia.
Isak is showing off his new bike from farmor.
Lia and Adria having a great time at Bengt's cottage celebrating midsummer. We enjoyed some games, a delicious meal and a great view of the lake. The water is still a bit too cold for a dip.
Lia is snuggling with faster Anna after she woke up from a nap.
tisdag 13 maj 2008
Det var lite orientering i helgen och den lokala blaskan i Waterloo hade skickat ut en kameraman i skogen. Här finns resultatet av den exkursionen. Film.
söndag 4 maj 2008
tisdag 22 april 2008
Lilla Grand Canyon
Letchworth kallas for the Grand Canyon of the Northwest och det finns visst fog för det. Inte lika stort och dramatiskt som orginalet men tillräckligt mäktigt för att bli impad. Skurugata ligger i gärdsgårdsserien som jämförelsen. Anledningen att vi var där var, givetvis, lite OL. Den här gången hade vi dock lämnat kidsen hemma hos farbror Josh och faster Cherry. Och inte nog med det. Efter ett par löp bar det av till Buffalo för lite maratonshopping och övernattning innan det vi åkte tillbaka hem. Det var alltså första gången som både Adria och jag var iväg från barnen över natten och som alltid så sov de, läs Lia, bättre än vad Adria och jag är vana vid.

fredag 18 april 2008
Solen skiner och det ar dryga 20 grader ute. Och jag far inte ga till jobbet...Anledning till det ar att en mindre utbrott av masslingen har intraffat i Toronto och flera av barnen som har blivit sjuka var pa studiebesok pa Ontario Science Centre den andra april. Gissa vem som ocksa var dar den dagen...Jag har forvisso redan haft masslingen men eftersom myndigheterna vill ha bevis sa var jag tvungen att lamna ett blodprov och jag far inte ga till jobbet innan de vet resultaten. Det ar sex larare som ar i samma situation som jag pa min skola. De flesta barnen ar vaccinerade sa for dem ar det skoldag som vanligt.
torsdag 10 april 2008
Med Per i Ohio
I helgen som gick var det en liten släktträff i Ohio. Per skulle på jobb i Wisconsin men åkte några dagar tidigare för att kunna träffa alla Franssons som finns på den här sidan. Mötesplatsen bestämdes till flygplatsen i Dayton och därifrån tog vi oss sedan vidare till Cinicinnati där vi umgicks och orienterade ett par dagar. Mycket trevligt var det. Isak hade sett fram mot det här mötet i över en vecka - varje dag berättade han hur många nätter det var kvar tills vi skulle träffa Per. Han deklarerade också att han skulle tvätta håret innan vi åkte. Inget lämnades åt slumpen utan han plockade fram sina kläder han ville ha med sig ett par dagar i förväg (och såg till att pappa hade liknande kläder) och han packade väskan själv.

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